100th Post???

Hi Fans,
Thanks for all your support!
I'm almost at my 100th post and I was thinking, why don't I let one of YOU pick an idea  for 100th post.

This is how it works:
Leave a comment below with your idea.
A recipe, a restaurant, a foodie idea, grocery store, etc...
When I get to my 95th post I'll jot them all on little pieces of papers, Throw 'em in a pot shake 'em around and pick out the winning idea!
But please...
- It must be capable and affordable, (as much as I'd love to travel to somewhere like Italy for a yummy diner, It won't happen!)
- Be sure to use the drop down and include your name/url.
- You don't need a Google Id to leave a comment just use the drop down.
- Non-appropriate ideas won't be used sorry.

Pick your favorite idea and comment below, I can't wait to see what you come up with!
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15 comments. Click here to leave your comment.:

Unknown said...

Valentine's Day?!

Matthew John said...

i suggest... that brick oven pizza place


the new turf club that is @ the same location as the old cuban restraunt!

Lydie L. said...

A bus tour of top beer establishments/restaurants in University Heights, Normal Heights, South Park!
We ride the bus, take pics, and write reviews yo!

Check it--- http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=288111157970&ref=mf

Kara Haze said...

A fondue party with cheese and chocolate and perhaps a food themed movie!!!

Oscar Silva said...

Ok...how about a mission to find the best California Burrito or the best Fish Taco in San diego. Perhaps you can write a review on what you know to be the best of the best mexican/so cal dish! It should be from a hole in the wall kinda place. Ole ole ole!

The Big Lebowski said...

East Village Tavern and Bowling. Hello?! Food and Bowling what better way to spend a night...

Little Caesar said...

Let's have a pizza night where everyone brings one ingredient and we make our own mini pizzas. Chef Becky will whip up the dough for the individual pizza. Everyone should bring one of their fave toppings and we will create some creative concoctions!

Slumdog millioneater said...

Find a place in San Diego that offers good quality cheap Indian Take Out. Write a review and I will go there and eat a curry. And you can come too!!!

manneken pis said...

How do you make the perfect Belgian Frite? Please do some lab test and share with us the recipe!!! And the sauces...do not forget the sauces!!!

Cheapo mo said...

Can one make delicious meal from items found only at the local 99 cent store or better yet seven eleven? Do it!

dysfunction junction said...

Lets have a food fight where we smash dishes. It will be just like our childhood!

jean cazals said...

jean cazals say... Go to The Ledbury in Notting hill. The best place at the moment to spend your money on a memorable meal! As well if you need some food photography give me a call on 07860.777.143 or go to www.jeancazals.net. Long live food !

Anonymous said...

You should try Cafe 21 in University Heights. Great selection of breakfast, lunch and dinner with unique Azerbaiijan roots! Newly reopened for dinner, with a very welcoming atmosphere. www.cafe-21.com

Rebecca Louise said...

SO many GREAT ideas! Can't wait to pick one!

Holly P. said...

OMG look what I found!! This is my suggestion for your 100th post (if you have not already done one on it)

This is where you buy it…

This is just one video how to make it:

Here is another

YUMMY!! Just in time for summer! I am going to buy some!!

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